UPDATE: 1/15/2012 - got weighed in yesterday for the first time and lost 6 pounds. yeah me! it is so hard to want to drive a half hour to work out...but i guess it is worth it. it is especially hard when i am on vacation.
Today was my first day at boot camp....i thought i was gonna die/hurl/walk out...but i didn't...i just kept moving. It is so hard to want to go back to a torture chamber where they have no mercy...but i need someone to kick my butt. i just hope my girlfriends and i keep it up. i am not coordinated so i want to know what the heck she is saying, learn those exercises and become more confident, not think anything of it, and have fun. I hope that day comes..... ugh!
i also bought a mini trampoline and it has a dvd of exercises so i think i will do those at home...so i won't be so miserable in class.
oh, welcome to the blog! i'm so excited to see you posting!!!
i relate to what you said feeling "protected" by the isolation of being overweight.
oh, i have heard that kicking the soda habit is incredibly difficult, but it yields amazing results once you replace it with water.
i'm trying to drink emergen-C fizzy vitamin C water to help me curb my carb cravings. (i'm cutting out wine and mentos.)
and finally, something important i learned about onions: use them for cooking, for the flavor. if you cut an onion in big pieces, you get the flavor and can pick it out before you eat!
keep blogging!!!
p.s. i could never do boot camp. but i might want to try the mini trampoline someday. :)
Welcome to the weirdos.
My piece of advice, try to pick one thing, clearly define it, and focus on it entirely. Here's a blog post about The Single-Changing Method concept.
The Single-Changing Method
Some people tend to get overwhelmed by making lifestyle changes when they try to do more than one thing. I know I do.
thanks, guys!!!!! i will definitely take your advice...i will keep posting.... :)
awesome news about the boot camp weight loss!!!
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