Monday, March 5, 2012

1 perfect day

every morning when i swim, i think to myself "why not try to have a perfect day?"  again, just trying is good.  here's how my perfect healthy day would be:

5:00am: fresh lemon & ginger tonic

5:30am:  swim for 45 minutes, sauna, shower

7:00am:  breakfast (egg beaters & turkey or veggie sausage)

7:30am: COFFEE!!!!

8:00am:  work (doing my very best)

10:00am: snack (1 bag of soy chips)

12:00pm: lunch (turkey lettuce wraps, sugar free jello)

4:00pm: home (play with dogs, clean)

6:00pm dinner (something healthy)

8:00pm snack: (red pepper, almonds, jello)

9:00pm: bed time!

a "perfect day" would mean no wine.  it would include doing something creative.  i'd enjoy my time with my husband & the mutts.

i've never achieved this "perfect day", but i'm going to keep trying.

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